How Nanotechnology is already impacting our lives
The future possibilities of nanotechnology are mind blowing, but nanotechnology today has already had a significant impact in different sectors and industries. Here are some examples that show how nanotechnology has helped to shape the world we live in already.
Nanotechnology has shaped a large part of what is a modern laptop or computer. Laptops have longer battery lives and can contain much more power whilst consuming less.
With nanotechnology, the potential for what a computer can become is so much more. Scientists believe it is possible to make computers of large data sizes small enough to flow through your bloodstream. nanosized computers will mean computers will be able to go almost anywhere.
Chemical sensors
Due to the use of nanotechnology, chemical sensors can be used to detect a particular chemical at astonishingly low levels, such as a single molecule out of billions. This is hugely important in military chemical detection, chemical testing in food production, and early identification of diseases in medical care.
With such a reliance on this technology in such crucial areas of our society, the future possibilities of chemical sensors due to the developments of nanotechnology will be increasingly beneficial.
Clean water
Nano filters can be used to remove nano-sized particles from drinking water, effectively removing all viruses and bacteria from the water. With the water filters only being 15 to 20 nanometers wide, all the particles and bacteria can cause serious harm are removed.
These systems are very portable and cost-efficient too, making them perfect for improving the quality of drinking water in emerging countries across the globe.
For more information about Nanotechnology and its future, click here.