Save On Your International Transactions

Expand your business globally whilst saving money and managing risk through smart and transparent FX Solutions.


In savings every year


Tradeable currencies

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Compare Your Rates

Start making informed currency decisions and compare SafeExchange’s ultra-competitive rates with international banks and FX brokers.

The intuitive Cost Calculator allows you to directly compare the rates you're currently paying against what SafeExchange can offer you, so you can see first-hand your potential future FX savings for each transaction.

Instantly see how much you could be saving on your FX transfers today.

Discover your potential FX savings with our Cost Calculator

Why SafeExchange?

SafeExchange’s comprehensive suite of FX solutions helps organisations of all sizes pay less for international transactions.

While international banks and FX brokers can charge between 1 to 4% in currency exchange fees, SafeExchange offers significantly lower rates alongside tailored solutions to help businesses save money, manage risk, and expand globally with confidence.

Accelerate Your Global Growth with Transparent and Cost-Effective Currency Solutions

Designed with business savings in mind, SafeExchange uses the latest tools, resources, and security technologies to help you make informed currency exchange decisions and protect your business's funds with every transaction.

  •  Major Savings: Enjoy rates significantly lower than international banks and FX brokers, whilst comparing rates through real-time market data.

  • Transparent Transactions: Understand the rates you are paying, with no hidden fees.

  •  Expert Guidance: SafeExchange’s team of experienced FX specialists can help you make informed decisions whilst quickly and securely exchanging your currency.

Ready to pay less for your currency exchanges?

Join the innovative businesses already benefiting from the World Nano Foundation and SafeExchange partnership and save money through smarter and more affordable FX transfers.

Request a call with one of our FX experts to start saving today.